\header { title = "Greensleaves" composer = "Traditional" mutopiatitle = "Greensleaves" mutopiacomposer = "Traditional" mutopiainstrument = "Guitar / Lute / Vihuela" style = "Renaissance" copyright = "Public Domain" maintainer = "Aaron Fontaine" maintainerEmail = "afontain@d.umn.edu" lastupdated = "2001/Sep/13" footer = "Mutopia-2001/09/13-109" tagline = "\\parbox{\hsize}{\\thefooter\\quad\\small \\\\This music is part of the Mutopia project, \\texttt{http://www.mutopiaproject.org/}\\\\It has been typeset and placed in the public domain by " + \maintainer + ".\\\\Unrestricted modification and redistribution is permitted and encouraged---copy this music and share it!}" } papersize = "a4" \include "paper26.ly" stemDown = \property Voice.Stem \override #'direction = #-1 stemUp = \property Voice.Stem \override #'direction = #1 melody = \notes \relative a' \context Voice = melody { \stemUp a4 | c2 d4 e4. f8 e4 | d2 b4 g4. a8 b4 | c2 a4 a4. gis8 a4 | b2 gis4 e2 a4 | c2 d4 e4. f8 e4 | d2 b4 g4. a8 b4 | c4. b8 a4 gis4. fis8 gis4 | a2. a2. \bar "||" g'2. g4. f8 e4 | d2 b4 g4. a8 b4 | c2 a4 a4. gis8 a4 | b2 gis4 e2. | g'2. g4. f8 e4 | d2 b4 g4. a8 b4 | c4. b8 a4 gis4. fis8 gis4 | a2. a2. \bar "|." } harmony = \notes \relative a \context Voice = harmony { \stemDown r4 | a2 b4 c2. | g2. b2. | a2. f'2. | e2. e,2. | a2 b4 c2. | g2. b2. | a2. e2. | a2. a2. | | g2. b2. | a2. f'2. | e2. e,2. | | g2. b2. | a2. e2. | a2. a2. | } \score { \notes { \context Staff = staffa < \time 3/4 \clef treble \key a \minor \partial 4 \melody \harmony > } \paper { indent = 0.0 interscoreline = 1.5 \cm } \midi { \tempo 4 = 160 } }